
Thursday, June 26, 2014

How to Save the Web page as PDF without any Software in Chrome Browser

All of them know the chrome browser. Using this you can save the any web page as PDF to your computer. If you see any use full content on any web page and you want to save the content in pdf and for future reference. You want to save the web page as pdf you need the software or any other tool to save the web page as the pdf. But in the Google Chrome Browser you no need to use any tool to save the web page in pdf. Chrome gives the option to save the page in pdf. 

How to Save the Web Page in PDF in the Google Chrome.     

  • First open the which page you want to save as in pdf format.

  •     After reaching the webpage press the ctrl+p after press the ctrl+p it will open the page for print option to print the page. 

  •   Now you see the Destination option present in the first option present on the left side of the window.    

  •   Click the change button after click the change button new popup window will open in that you will see the Local Destination part present at the second one in the popup window.


  • In that local Destination part you will see the Save as PDF as the first option and click to select the option.

  • Now its return back to the main page in that you will see the save button you can click the save button to save the page as a pdf.


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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Common hardware failure symptoms and solutions

> Computer freezes randomly, mouse will not move...
Hard drive fails itself, the drive is either having a defective needle or sector it will be stuck on... this drive needs to be replaced before it stucks completely, it is recommended to do a back up as soon as possible and then check the drive with a testing program to look for bad sectors

> Computer keeps booting with system check up...
Disk has many bad sectors, needle is either defective and making scratches on the drive, or is not in a decent quality anymore, windows will replace your faulty sectors and try to repair... however, it is best to back up and plan for a newer hard drive. as this drive may fail completely and you may have lost your data, this can also be tested with a testing program.

> Bluescreens "fault in non paged area"
Usually these bluescreens appoint one or more bad memory modules, you can check this with a memtester and see if you get errors... if you do get errors and have more then one slots occupied, test one by one and see if it works by then

> Boot, but no screen
This also can be a common memory issue... as when the PC boots, the first possible data gets sent from bios to memory to provide image to your monitor, in this case you will have to replace this memory with Modules that you are sure that are working... as this usually means all modules are dead.

> Blurry screen/floating pixels
Graphics card... your graphics card may be getting too hot and may need more cooling, also check the capacitors of the card, these may be damaged, if this is an active cooling... try to see if it is dusty, if it is, blow it out, if this is passive cooling, please consult your technician.

> Green dots on screen in movies/Black area
Usual graphics card failure oncoming. check the capacitors of the card, also try and see if your connector is plugged in correctly if you have not used the screws on the connector

> PC boots but long beep and two short
This is usually the sign of a dead graphics card... if this computer has an onboard graphics card, your mainboard may be dead as well, although, you can try with an add-on video card, if you are already using a addon card, you may be able to use your onboard graphics card that is attached to the mainboard. 

> Random shutdown when playing games/ working at computer... restarts after shut down all most instantly
Overheating problem. check your cooling, replace cooling paste or check your overclock settings if you have overclocked your CPU

> PC does not boot at all.
Try a new powersupply, this may be the defective product.

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10 Useful Programs in system32

Hi. These are programs I found when digging in system32.

To use these programs!

Note : name = text in green.

WinXP ---> Go to start > run > type in name > OK.
Win Vista/7 ---> Go to start > type in name > Press Enter.
Win 8 ---> Press Windows button + R > type in name > OK.

Let's begin!

1. charmap :exclame: Character Map


Useful for get uncommon characters from your favorite fonts and copy it to your clipboard.

2. cmd  :exclame: Windows Command Processor


Useful for running some task that cannot be done in normal way.

3. eudcedit :exclame: Private Character Editor


Create your own fonts!

4. eventvwr :exclame: Event Viewer


View details about errors, events that happened to the computer.

5. msinfo32 :exclame: System Information


Display details of your computers, everything you can imagine. From computer name to Print Jobs!

6. optionalfeatures :exclame: Windows Features


Turn Windows features on or off, you have to use this when you need to perform special task with some windows features that are currently disabled such as telnet client etc, or to disable something you didn't want to use.

7. perfmon :exclame: Performance Monitor


Main features of this program is to display graphs of system status such as CPU, RAM ,Disk I/O, network, etc. In this example image I use it to monitor CPU and network transfer to open BC in Firefox.

8. psr :exclame: Problem Step Recorder


Use to record the actions you do to program like click, type, etc. And record all data in html file (If I can remember.)
with thorough explanation and also include pictures. But cons is the recorded file will be extremely large.

9. recdisk :exclame: Create a System repair disc


Create system repair DVD to boot the system when Windows goes wrong.

10. sigverif :exclame: File Signature Verification


Verify signature of drivers and files in your computer. You can view logs by click on Advanced button after scan finished.

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Friday, June 20, 2014

Changing Your Local Drives Icons

Changing your local drive icons:

1.First you need icon files. Icon files are in this way "*.ico”, like "win.ico"
Notice: to find icon files on your hard drive press start, then search and to the question “What do you want to search for?"choose "All files and folders”, now in the first box, type "*.ico"-----activating "search hidden files and folders" in "more advanced options" may help you to find more icon files.
Notice: Some programs like Ulead PhotoImpact can save a picture as an icon file.
Notice: Saving pictures as "x.ico" with "paint"can not be used for local drive icons

2. Now open RUN and type "regedit"---a new window will appear

3. Follow this path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >SOFTWARE >Microsoft >Windows >currentversion >Explorer

4. Now if you see a key, named “DriveIcons” you don't need to do step 5, otherwise you must do it.
Notice: registry keys are case sensitive, capitalized letters must be written capitalized.

5. Right click on the Explorer key and choose New >Key, then instead of its default name type "DriveIcons”, then press enter.
Notice: You can also change the name of a key by right clicking on its name and choose "Rename"

6. Now right click on "DriveIcons" and choose New >Key, then instead of the default key name, type your partition letter, for example "C".

7. Right click on the key you have made the step before. (We made "C"), then choose New >Key, for its name type "DefaultIcon"(this will be used for its icon).Again right click on "C" and choose New >Key, rename its name to "DefaultLable” (this will change partition name).

8. First, click on the "defaultIcon", then in the right section of the window double click on the "Default”. A new window will appear and you must type the icon location you want to use for this partition. For example your icon is in your my pictures folder (and we think you have installed windows on drive "D") and your picture name is "win.ico". Look at the address bar of the window; you see "D:\Documents and Settings\<your user name>\My documents\ My Pictures. ------- Copy this address in the box of the registry window that you opened it with double clicking on the "Default” Key, then
in front of this address click and put a"\"sign. Then type the icon name, for example "win.ico". Now press OK.

9.if you want to change the drive name ,click on the "DefaultLable" and from the right section of the window, double click on the “Default" and in the window box, type the name you want to use for this drive and click "OK".(i.e. “My first local drive”)
Notice: You can also change a partition name by right clicking on it in the My Computer window and choose rename.

10. Close any open windows, and then open your My Computer window. Your icon must now be seen on drive "C". Otherwise a restart is needed.
Notice: You can do these changes on any partitions you want. Just from the step 5, you can add another Partition letter and continue these steps.

Thanks for coming by and taking your time to read this post :) I hope you have learnt something today and shared this. Now I'd love to hear from you. Got any views, thoughts and questions related to the post? I'm all ears here. Add your comment.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Here are the cool 14 Notepad Tricks

Here are the 14 Notepad Tricks for you:

1) Notepad trick to use it as a Diary
Open notepad
Type .LOG
Save the file as LOG.txt
Write anything in it and it will be saved with the time when you edit it.

2) Notepad trick to Test Antivirus
Open Notepad.
Copy the code give below in the notepad file:
Save it with an .exe extension like testvirus.exe

3) Matrix Notepad Trick
@echo off
color 2
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start
Save this file as Matrix.bat
Make sure the file type is kept as ALL FILES while saving it as a .bat file.
Don't forget to Download Revo Uninstaller free.

4) Notepad Trick to Open DVD Drive
Open Notepad.
Copy the code given below onto the notepad file:
Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7?)
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000
Save it as “Anything.VBS”.
You should also check out Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts which has all the keyboard tricks that you can think of.

5) Notepad Trick to annoy your friends
Open Notepad.
Paste the following code in the notepad file:
@ECHO off
msg * Hey
msg * Want to have Fun?
msg * You do?
msg * We will both have fun, alright?
msg * More fun?
Save the file with any file name but with .bat as extension and close it. For eg. cool.bat

6) Notepad Trick to shutdown computer forcefully
Open Notepad.
Paste the following code in it:
@echo off
msg * Shutdown computer.
shutdown -c “Sleep Tight” -s

7) Notepad Trick to Lock Folders
Lets lock a folder using notepad trick which is named as PICS in your D: drive , whose path is DICS
Then the code should be something like this:
ren pics pics.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Pics is your folder name. Use the name of the folder in place for pics. Save the text file as lock.bat in the same drive.
To unlock this locked folder:
Open another new notepad text file and type the following:
ren pics.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} pics
Save the text file as key.bat in the same drive. Here again, pics is the name of the folder. Change it to the folder name you want to lock it.
Have you tried Internet Explorer 9 yet? It's free:
Download Internet Explorer 9

8 ) Notepad Trick to type slowly
Open Notepad.
Paste the following code in the notepad file:
WScript.Sleep 180000
WScript.Sleep 10000
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
WshShell.Run “notepad”
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.AppActivate “Notepad”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “Hel”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “lo ”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “, ho”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “w a”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “re ”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “you”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “? ”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “I a”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “m g”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “ood”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys ” th”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “ank”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “s! “
Save the file with any name and with .vbs extension and close it.
Now open the file and see how freakishly slow the messages appear!
NOTE: In order to stop it. Follow the “Note” given in 10th Trick.

9) Infinite Notepad Trick
Open Notepad.
Paste the following code in your notepad file:
@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%system32notepad.exe
GOTO top
Save the file with any name nut with .bat extension and close it.

10) Notepad Trick - Text to Audio
Open Notepad file on your Windows PC.
Copy and paste the below mentioned code :

Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter your text for conversion–","TechVorm Text-To-Audio Converter")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg
Save this file with any name with .vbs as extension. For eg. Text-To-Audio.vbs

11) Notepad Trick - BUSH HID THE FACTS
Open notepad.
Save that file.
Close it
Open It Again See…

12) Notepad Trick Print Tree Root
Open NOTEPAD and enter {print tree root}
After that hit enter and type C:windowssystem
After that hit enter and type {print C:windowssystemwinlog
Hit enter and type 4*43″$@[455]3hr4~
Then save the file as teekids in C:windowssystem.

13) World Trade Center Notepad Trick
Open your Notepad
Type the flight number Q33N
Increase the Font Size to 72
Change the Font to Wingdings

14) Notepad Trick to Format Hard disk
Open Notepad and type:
a) Code : 01001011000111110010010101010101010000011111100000
b) Save As it as anything.EXE
c) Run it. Beware that the entire HDD will be erased
I hope you enjoyed these awesome and cool Notepad tricks, if you liked it then share it with your friends.

Thanks for coming by and taking your time to read this post :) I hope you have learnt something today and shared this. Now I'd love to hear from you. Got any views, thoughts and questions related to the post? I'm all ears here. Add your comment.

Make any Folder as a new DRIVER

Did you ever thought of making your folder as and DRIVER ? Here is an great Trick .

Do The Following :
Start >> Run
Type cmd and hit Enter
This will open "Command Prompt"
Type subst Z: E:\folder and hit Enter key.
You can replace Z: with your desired New Drive Letter (Except existing Drive letters)!
You can replace E:\folder with the path of your favorite folder !
Now, type exit

*** This creates a new drive ! When you open this , it will open your folder !!!

But a Problem !
On Restart the Virtual Drive Disappears !!!

Solution !

We can make a batch file which will make the drive every time on startup !
Here is how ?
Open Notepad
Type :
subst Z: E:\folder
File >> Save As...
Name it : Virtual Drive Emulator.bat
Start >> All Programs
Right Click on Startup >> Open
This open the Startup folder
Paste the Virtual Drive Emulator.bat file here !
That's all , now the drive will automatically be created when ever you start your PC

Thanks for coming by and taking your time to read this post :) I hope you have learnt something today and shared this. Now I'd love to hear from you. Got any views, thoughts and questions related to the post? I'm all ears here. Add your comment.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Extract Video, Audio, Subtitles and More from MKV files with MKVcleaver

MKVcleaver is a GUI (Graphical User Interface) frontend to the command line tool MkvToolNix designed to extract data from MKV files. Matroska or MKV is a multimedia container format that can hold an unlimited number of video, audio, picture or subtitle tracks inside a single file, complete with menu systems similar to that of DVDs. MKVcleaver allows you to extract these tracks - video, audio, subtitles, chapters etc. that contain in an MKV file.

To use MKVcleaver you will also require MkvToolNix, because as already mentioned, MKVcleaver gives only the GUI; the actual operation is done by MkvToolNix. Download and install MkvToolNix. You can also download the 7zip archive instead of the installer and extract the contents to a folder.


Now start MKVcleaver and locate the folder where you extracted the MkvToolNix program by clicking on the ?Locate MkvToolNix? button.

To add MKV files, simply drag and drop them into the program window or load them using the usual file loading process. After the file or files are added, click on the ?+? adjacent to the added files and select the tracks you want to extract. MKVcleaver can process multiple files at once. To help select files in batch processing, there is a small window on the right that shows the various types of tracks that the program can extract. Choosing a track type will automatically select all tracks of the chosen typefrom all added MKV files.

MKVcleaver also has several additional features like:
  • File naming options for easy sorting
  • Extract raw FLAC stream
  • VFR detection
  • Automatic timecode extraction for VFR tracks
  • Custom extensions for any codec
  • Convert H264 tracks to AVI option

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Meaning of Different Rips (CAM, TS, TC, DVDscr, DVDRip, Retail)


If you ever see a film that sometimes the audience suddenly appear in the film, that is the Cam-Quality film. A Cam is a theater rip usually done with a digital video camera. Sometimes they use mini tripod, but a lot of them do this manually so the camera make shake. And sometimes the seating placement isn’t always idle, it might be filmed from an angle. The sound is taken directly from the onboard microphone of the camera, so sometimes you can hear the audiences laughter quite often during the film. Due to these factors the sound and picture quality usually very poor.


Actually it’s similiar with CAM but TS is filmed with different condition it uses an external audio source (most likely an audio jack in the chair for hard of hearing people), but it does not ensure a good audio quality though. And TS is filmed in an empty cinema or from the projection booth with a professional camera, giving a better picture quality.


A telecine machine copies the film digitally from the reels. Sound and picture should be very good, but due to the equipment involved and cost telecines are fairly uncommon. Generally the film will be in correct aspect ratio, although 4:3 telecines have existed. Sometimes it shows a visible counter on screen throughout the film.


A Pre VHS tape, sent to rental stores, and various other places for promotional use. The main draw back is a “ticker” (a message that scrolls past at the bottom of the screen, with the copyright and anti-copy telephone number). Also, if the tape contains any serial numbers, or any other markings that could lead to the source of the tape, these will have to be blocked, usually with a black mark over the section. This is sometimes only for a few seconds, but unfortunately on some copies this will last for the entire film, and some can be quite big. Depending on the equipment used, screener quality can range from excellent if done from a MASTER copy, to very poor if done on an old VHS recorder thru poor capture equipment on a copied tape. Most screeners are transferred to VCD, but a few attempts at SVCD have occurred, some looking better than others.


Same premise as a screener, but transferred off a DVD. Usually letterbox , but without the extras that a DVD retail would contain. The ticker is not usually in the black bars, and will disrupt the viewing. If the ripper has any skill, a DVDscr should be very good. Usually transferred to SVCD or DivX/XviD.


Over the past 6 months the major movie studios have been releasing retail dvds early in Russia. They do this to stop the widespread use of pirated telecines (which were once very common). Lately however there has been very few real telecines, most of the scene telecines you see are actually R5 retails. The main difference between telecines put out by the pirates is that the r5′s are done using pro equipment, professional studios and professional people. The quality of R5 retail is very similar to dvdscr’s, no time is usually spent cleaning up dvdscrs either.


A copy of the final released DVD. If possible this is released PRE retail (for example, Star Wars episode 2) again, should be excellent quality. DVDrips are released in SVCD and DivX/XviD.

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How To Fix Audio Video Sync Problem With Media Player Classic

This is a quick guide for correcting out of sync audio on your movie files. If the audio is out of sync throughout the movie by the same amount from start to finish it can usually be corrected during playback without too much difficulty.

1. Open your movie from the file / open file menu

2. Play through the movie find a section with speech where you can see lip movement. Determine if the audio comes before the video or after the video.

3. MPC allows you to shift the audio stream as the movie plays go to the view menu and click on options, then enable the audio switcher and audio time shift boxes as in example 4.

4. If your movie plays the audio before the video you need a to enter
a positive value in the Audio time shift box.

As a guide try using 1000 ms for every second that the audio is out

if your audio comes 1 sec before the video try 1000 as a starting point

if your audio comes 1/2 sec before the video try 500 as a starting point

if your audio comes 1/4 sec before the video try 250 as a starting point

in example 4 (below) the audio comes 1/2 sec before the video

so an adjustment of 500 ms has been set

click apply & OK ... and check the sync

5. If your movie plays the audio after the video you need a to enter
a negative value, notice these are entered with a minus sign.

As a guide try using -1000 ms for every second that the audio is out

if your audio comes 1 sec after the video try -1000 as a starting point

if your audio comes 1/2 sec after the video try -500 as a starting point

if your audio comes 1/4 sec after the video try -250 as a starting point

in example 5 (below) the audio comes 1/2 sec after the video

so an adjustment of - 500 ms has been set

click apply & OK ... and check the sync

6. Keep altering the audio time shift value and replaying the movie until
the sync is correct. Make a note of the final value because you'll need to
use it every time you play this movie. If your movie is an AVI file you can
use this freeware program to apply the audio correction permanently.

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How to Increase Utorrent Download Speed

First of all Make Sure to Have the Latest Version of µTorrent.You can download and Install the Latest Version From Here ( Download µTorrent).

Now Open Your µTorrent and Go to Options and then Select Preferences (Options -> Preferences)

Now in the Preferences Settings You have to Basically Tweak the Following Settings One By One.

1. Connection Settings Changes

Change Random Ports Value to 45682.

Disable UPnP port mapping.

2. Bandwidth Settings Changes

Change Maximum Number of Global Connections from 200 to 2329.

Change Maximum Number of Peers Connected From 50 to 1890.

Change Number of Upload Slots Per torrent From 4 to 14.

3. Bit Torrent Settings Changes

Change Prototype Encryption Outgoing From Disabled to Enabled.

4. Queuing Settings Changes

Change Maximum Number of Active Torrents From 8 to 10.

Change Maximum Number of Active Downloads from 5 to 10.

Change Seeding Global Minimum Ratio From 150 to -1

5. Advanced Settings Changes( For Expert users Only )

Change bt.allow_same_ip change Value From False to True.

Change bit.connect_speed Value From 7 to 130 By Using The Set Value Option.

Change dht.rate from -1 to 2.

Change gui.show_nontorrents_nodes from True to False.

Change net.max_halfopen From 100 to 120.

Change rss.update_interval From 15 to 20.

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Monday, April 28, 2014

Windows XP Run Commands

Accessibility Controls – access.cpl
Accessibility Wizard – accwiz
Add Hardware Wizard – hdwwiz.cpl
Add/Remove Programs - appwiz.cpl
Administrative Tools – control admintools
Automatic Updates – wuaucpl.cpl
Bluetooth Transfer Wizard – fsquirt
Calculator – calc
Certificate Manager – certmgr.msc
Character Map – charmap
Check Disk Utility – chkdsk
Clipboard Viewer – clipbrd
Command Prompt – cmd
Component Services – dcomcnfg
Computer Management – compmgmt.msc
Control Panel – control
Date and Time Properties – timedate.cpl
DDE Shares – ddeshare
Device Manager – devmgmt.msc
Direct X Troubleshooter – dxdiag
Disk Cleanup Utility – cleanmgr
Disk Defragment – dfrg.msc
Disk Management – diskmgmt.msc
Disk Partition Manager – diskpart
Display Properties – control desktop
Display Properties – desk.cpl
Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility – drwtsn32
Driver Verifier Utility – verifier
Event Viewer – eventvwr.msc
Files and Settings Transfer Tool – migwiz
File Signature Verification Tool – sigverif
Findfast – findfast.cpl
Firefox – firefox
Folders Properties – control folders
Fonts – control fonts
Fonts Folder – fonts
Free Cell Card Game – freecell
Game Controllers – joy.cpl
Group Policy Editor (for xp professional) – gpedit.msc
Hearts Card Game – mshearts
Help and Support – helpctr
HyperTerminal – hypertrm
Iexpress Wizard – iexpress
Indexing Service – ciadv.msc
Internet Connection Wizard – icwconn1
Internet Explorer – iexplore
Internet Properties – inetcpl.cpl
Keyboard Properties – control keyboard
Local Security Settings – secpol.msc
Local Users and Groups – lusrmgr.msc
Logs You Out Of Windows – logoff
Malicious Software Removal Tool – mrt
Microsoft Chat – winchat
Microsoft Movie Maker – moviemk
Microsoft Paint – mspaint
Microsoft Syncronization Tool – mobsync
Minesweeper Game – winmine
Mouse Properties – control mouse
Mouse Properties – main.cpl
Netmeeting – conf
Network Connections – control netconnections
Network Connections – ncpa.cpl
Network Setup Wizard – netsetup.cpl
Notepad notepad
Object Packager – packager
ODBC Data Source Administrator – odbccp32.cpl
On Screen Keyboard – osk
Outlook Express – msimn
Paint – pbrush
Password Properties – password.cpl
Performance Monitor – perfmon.msc
Performance Monitor – perfmon
Phone and Modem Options – telephon.cpl
Phone Dialer – dialer
Pinball Game – pinball
Power Configuration – powercfg.cpl
Printers and Faxes – control printers
Printers Folder – printers
Regional Settings - intl.cpl
Registry Editor – regedit
Registry Editor – regedit32
Remote Access Phonebook – rasphone
Remote Desktop – mstsc
Removable Storage – ntmsmgr.msc
Removable Storage Operator Requests – ntmsoprq.msc
Resultant Set of Policy (for xp professional) – rsop.msc
Scanners and Cameras – sticpl.cpl
Scheduled Tasks – control schedtasks
Security Center – wscui.cpl
Services – services.msc
Shared Folders – fsmgmt.msc
Shuts Down Windows – shutdown
Sounds and Audio – mmsys.cpl
Spider Solitare Card Game – spider
SQL Client Configuration – cliconfg
System Configuration Editor – sysedit
System Configuration Utility – msconfig
System Information – msinfo32
System Properties – sysdm.cpl
Task Manager – taskmgr
TCP Tester – tcptest
Telnet Client – telnet
User Account Management – nusrmgr.cpl
Utility Manager – utilman
Windows Address Book – wab
Windows Address Book Import Utility – wabmig
Windows Explorer – explorer
Windows Firewall – firewall.cpl
Windows Magnifier – magnify
Windows Management Infrastructure – wmimgmt.msc
Windows Media Player – wmplayer
Windows Messenger – msmsgs
Windows System Security Tool – syskey
Windows Update Launches – wupdmgr
Windows Version – winver
Windows XP Tour Wizard – tourstart
Wordpad – write

Thanks for coming by and taking your time to read this post :) I hope you have learnt something today and shared this. Now I'd love to hear from you. Got any views, thoughts and questions related to the post? I'm all ears here. Add your comment.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Change The Default Location For Installing Apps

As the size of hard drives increase, more people are using partitions to separate and store groups of files.

XP uses the C:\Program Files directory as the default base directory into which new programs are installed. However, you can change the default installation drive and/ or directory by using a Registry hack.

Run the Registry Editor (regedit) and go to


Look for the value named ProgramFilesDir. by default,this value will be C:\Program Files. Edit the value to any valid drive or folder and XP will use that new location as the default installation directory for new programs. 

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