
Friday, June 20, 2014

Changing Your Local Drives Icons

Changing your local drive icons:

1.First you need icon files. Icon files are in this way "*.ico”, like "win.ico"
Notice: to find icon files on your hard drive press start, then search and to the question “What do you want to search for?"choose "All files and folders”, now in the first box, type "*.ico"-----activating "search hidden files and folders" in "more advanced options" may help you to find more icon files.
Notice: Some programs like Ulead PhotoImpact can save a picture as an icon file.
Notice: Saving pictures as "x.ico" with "paint"can not be used for local drive icons

2. Now open RUN and type "regedit"---a new window will appear

3. Follow this path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >SOFTWARE >Microsoft >Windows >currentversion >Explorer

4. Now if you see a key, named “DriveIcons” you don't need to do step 5, otherwise you must do it.
Notice: registry keys are case sensitive, capitalized letters must be written capitalized.

5. Right click on the Explorer key and choose New >Key, then instead of its default name type "DriveIcons”, then press enter.
Notice: You can also change the name of a key by right clicking on its name and choose "Rename"

6. Now right click on "DriveIcons" and choose New >Key, then instead of the default key name, type your partition letter, for example "C".

7. Right click on the key you have made the step before. (We made "C"), then choose New >Key, for its name type "DefaultIcon"(this will be used for its icon).Again right click on "C" and choose New >Key, rename its name to "DefaultLable” (this will change partition name).

8. First, click on the "defaultIcon", then in the right section of the window double click on the "Default”. A new window will appear and you must type the icon location you want to use for this partition. For example your icon is in your my pictures folder (and we think you have installed windows on drive "D") and your picture name is "win.ico". Look at the address bar of the window; you see "D:\Documents and Settings\<your user name>\My documents\ My Pictures. ------- Copy this address in the box of the registry window that you opened it with double clicking on the "Default” Key, then
in front of this address click and put a"\"sign. Then type the icon name, for example "win.ico". Now press OK.

9.if you want to change the drive name ,click on the "DefaultLable" and from the right section of the window, double click on the “Default" and in the window box, type the name you want to use for this drive and click "OK".(i.e. “My first local drive”)
Notice: You can also change a partition name by right clicking on it in the My Computer window and choose rename.

10. Close any open windows, and then open your My Computer window. Your icon must now be seen on drive "C". Otherwise a restart is needed.
Notice: You can do these changes on any partitions you want. Just from the step 5, you can add another Partition letter and continue these steps.

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